Tokyo, Japan’s busy capital, mixes the ultramodern and the traditional, from neon-lit skyscrapers to historic temples. The opulent Meiji Shinto Shrine is known for its towering gate and surrounding woods. The Imperial Palace sits amid large public gardens. The city’s many museums offer exhibits ranging from classical art (in the Tokyo National Museum) to a reconstructed kabuki theater (in the Edo-Tokyo Museum).

The old, narrow streets of the Asakusa district contain shops, women in kimono and the 7th-century Sensō-ji Buddhist temple. By contrast, Roppongi has lively nightclubs and karaoke bars, and Akihabara has high-tech electronics stores. Cozy Japanese-style pubs called izakaya are scattered throughout the city. Tsukiji fish market, with a famous tuna auction, is near the center. The Tokyo SkyTree tower offers expansive views of the city from its public observation deck. Tokyo is famed for its vibrant food scene, and its Shibuya and Harajuku districts are the heart of its trendy teen fashion culture.

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